viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
  • viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
  • viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
  • viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
  • viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
  • viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x
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viGO! Brown baking paper box 33x

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What's worth knowing?

  • viGO! baking paper sheets are an essential item in every kitchen.
  • The product is made of high-quality paper that does not stick to food and does not let fat through.
  • Thanks to this, food prepared on viGO! paper is always evenly baked and crispy.
  • We offer the paper in size L, which is ideal for preparing larger dishes.
  • The package contains 20 sheets, which allows you to use it for a longer period of time.
  • This product is easy to use, can be easily adjusted (by cutting) to the preferred size and inserted into molds of various sizes and shapes.
  • Most importantly, viGO! paper is safe for health because it does not contain any harmful substances.
  • This is the perfect product for every baking enthusiast.
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up to 10% (dimensions, weights, weight)


  • Packaging made of cardboard
  • Take care of cleanliness, throw away the used product packaging in the bin
  • The product can be washed up to 60 C
  • Suitable for recycling


  • Comfortable form - does not require cutting sheets
  • Replaces time-consuming greasing of sheet metal
  • Designed for fat-free baking
  • Does not stick to dough and form
  • It protects the metal sheet against dirt
  • Perfect for baking cakes, cakes, pizza and other pastries
  • Prevents baking
  • Can be used on both sides
  • Fits various cake cases, molds and baking trays


  • Baking paper is used ... cosmetic. It can be used to make popular matting papers to prevent unsightly "shining" of the face, which is a common problem for women who have oily or combination skin. Just cut the paper into pieces and it's ready!

Green spinach cake


  • 250 g of fresh spinach
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup fine sugar
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • ¾ Cup of oil
  • 2.5 cups of flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • ½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste


  • 500 ml cream fondant
  • 4 teaspoons gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • ½ teaspoons vanilla paste
  • 300 g strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • zest the lime ½


  • Favorite seasonal fruits, for example. blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.

Wash the spinach, dry and whisk hard stalk. Put it into a food processor, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix for a very smooth paste. Preheat oven to 170 ° c. Beat the eggs with sugar until pojaśnieją and increase in volume. Gradually add oil while mixing. Add the mass of spinach, toothpaste with vanilla and thoroughly mix using mixer on smaller turnover.
Flour, baking powder and baking soda mix together and pour into the dough. Connect the whole thing using paddles to get rid of lumps. Mix slowly and carefully. Turn out the tortownicę in diameter. 24-26 cm baking sheet. Pour cake, top and bake ok. 50 minutes. a dry cotton swab. Then let the dough.
During this time, prepare the cream. Gelatin pour 3-4 tablespoons of cold water and leave to abundance. In a saucepan heat the 4 tablespoons of water and dissolve the gelatine napęczniałą. Cool and start to beat the cream of the schładzaną for 24 hours. Add the powdered sugar, lime zest and vanilla paste. At the end, add the gelatin and stir. Cut the dough into wystudzone. 2/3 from bottom, pull out part of the crumb, so that was a form of thickness approximately. 1 cm of dough. What has been learned and cut off rozdrób in the hands on the thicker gravel.
Fruit cut in large pieces. On the bottom of the dough, put part of the slightly chilled cream, arrange the serving of fruit, sour cream, etc. So, to the final layer consisted of cream. The whole takedown and a large portion of crushed sponge cake and decorate with fruit. Insert in the fridge for at least 2 hours, until the cream set.
